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1. The aim of the TERRA Foundation

"...The aim of the foundation is to create teaching aid materials, program packages, education programs primarily by using the possibilities given by multimedia, and making these products available for education institutes. In the course of realizing the above marked aims the foundation attributes stressed importance to tasks in connection with forming a viewpoint of environment protection, and prommoting acquainting natural values of Hungary and our closer region, respectively..." (extract from the deed of foundation)

2. Importance of environment culture in our time

In European countries the knowledge of plant and animal species of our environment belongs to the civilization and education of the central layer. One does not, and also cannot feel responsibility for things one has no knowledge about. In absence of adequate educational and teaching aid material we cannot expect the improvement of the position in the respect of the responsibility felt for environmental culture and our environment in Hungary. By education we want to promote strengthening environmental culture, and making environment protection to become the part of our everyday life, not only to be a propagandistic purpose standing far from people.

The aim of the foundation is to improve environmental culture in Hungary, by utilizing possibilities given by modern multimedia. In these days the role of multimedia instruments is determinant in education and many other fields of life. Its importance in education is, that it makes possible the complex documentation and interactive processing of vast quantity of information. It has an especially great importance in acquainting and making acquainted our environment, nature surrounding us, because it is necessary to process a large amount of image material. Nature acquainting books, which has been appeared in the early 1980's created stir throughout the widest layers of the society too, in all probability it will be alike with multimedia demonstrative materials available for everyone too, so this motivates our work.

The Foundation's Advirosy Board

Dr. Béla TÓTHMÉRÉSZ president
dr. Zsolt ERDEI (founder)

And the troop (in January 2002.)

dr. Zsolt Erdei

dr. Zsolt ERDEI
slave-driver, webmaster, system administrator, photographer, biologist, hunter for sponsors, etc.
Attila Gallai

dr. Ferenc Pál-Fám

dr. Ferenc PÁL-FÁM
mycologist, executor of the Mushrooms project
József Szentpéteri

biologist, photographer
Tamás Szentpéteri

dr. László Udvardy

dr. László UDVARDY
biologist, translator, photographer

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